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contoh kalimat the battle of

"the battle of" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • I saw her earlier at the Battle of the Bands.
    Aku melihat sebelumnya, di pertandingan Band.
  • Welcome to the Battle of the Year Village.
    Selamat datang di desa Battle of the Year.
  • He nearly died before the battle of New York.
    Dia hampir mati sebelum pertarungan New York.
  • He defeated my brother at the Battle of Ashford.
    Dia mengalahkan kakakku di Battle of Ashford.
  • 1225 – 1264), killed at the Battle of Lewes.
    1225 – 1264), tewas di Pertempuran Lewes.
  • The Battle of Sekigahara ended with a complete Tokugawa victory.
    Pertempuran Sekigahara berakhir dengan kemenangan Tokugawa.
  • The conflict became known as the Battle of Alnwick.
    Konflik tersebut menjadi dikenal sebagai Pertempuran Alnwick.
  • Four years have passed since the battle of Gibraltar.
    Empat tahun telah berlalu sejak Pertempuran Chicago.
  • It was during the Battle of Missionary Ridge.
    Ia selama Pertempuran dari Missionary Ridge .
  • It was the night before the battle of Atlanta.
    Saat itu malam sebelum pertempuran Alamo.
  • He lost an eye at the Battle of the Boyne.
    Kehilangan matanya saat pertempuran Boyne.
  • He lost his arm at the Battle of the Nile.
    Kehilangan lengannya saat pertempuran Nile.
  • Who fought at the Battle of Dumillyong?
    Apa Anda Sersan Lee Jin-seok, yang bertempur di Peperangan Dumillyong?
  • For your review ln the battle of Wen River
    Untuk ulasanmu Di peperangan Sungai Wen
  • For the battle of Red Cliff, we are ready
    Untuk pertempuran di Jurang Merah, Kita sudah siap.
  • In the Warlord's Palace, the battle of Immortals was fought.
    di tempat Warlord,pertandingan orang abadipun telah dimulai.
  • The Cambridgeshires - obliterated at the Battle of Ypres.
    The Cambridgeshires -- Penghapusan di Battle of Ypres.
  • "Who commanded the riflemen at the battle of Nagashino?"
    Siapa yg memerintahkan bersenjata senapan di pertempuran Nagashino?
  • Name the combatants in the Battle of Waterloo.
    Sebutkan siapa yang berperang dalam Pertempuran Waterloo.
  • You remember, it was the Battle of the Ice Claws.
    Kau ingat, itu adalah Pertempuran cakar Es.
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